
1ST First
2D Second
2D/SUB Second or subsequent
3D Third
3D/SUB Third or subsequent
A&B Assault & Battery
AHAN Assault of a High & Aggravated Nature
ABWIK Assault & Battery With Intent to Kill
AWIK Assault With Intent to Kill
ABHAN Assault & Battery of a High & Aggravated Nature
B/W Bench Warrant
CDV Criminal Domestic Violence
CDVHAN Criminal Domestic Violence of a High & Aggravated Nature
COC Cocaine
COND Condition(s)
CSC Criminal Sexual Conduct
CT Court
DEG Degree
DEL Delinquency
DEV Device
DISCH Discharge
DL Drivers License
DUI Driving Under the Influence
DUS Driving Under Suspension
FCBW Family Court Bench Warrant
FRAUD CHECK Fraudulent Check
FTC Financial Transaction Card
G Grams
GEN General or General Sessions Court
GSBW General Sessions Bench Warrant
K Thousand
LGT Light
LIC License
INJ Injury
MAL Malicious
MARIJ/HASH Marijuana or Hashish
MDP Manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, purchase, aid, abet, attempt, or conspire to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or purchase, or possess with the intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or purchase a controlled substance or a controlled substance analogue
MPH Miles per hour
METH Methamphetamine
MAG Magistrate
MUN Municipal
OFF Offense
PER Personal
POSS Possession
PROP Property
REG Register or registration
RET Return
SCH Schedule
SPTBG Spartanburg
SUB Subsequent
TRAFF Trafficking
VEH Vehicle
VIOL Violent or Violation
W/ASSAULT With Assault
W/OUT Without
WEEKENDER Inmate sentenced to serve time on weekends