How a Victim Advocate Can Help

How Could A Victim Advocate Help Me?

    • Provide emotional and moral support
    • Identify and inform victims of their rights under the law
    • Conduct on the scene crisis intervention
    • Act as a liaison between victim, police officers, investigators, and community-based agencies
    • Arrange for professional counseling and support groups
    • Provide information and referral
    • Educate law enforcement and victims of new law pertaining to specific victimization such as domestic violence   
    • Provide applications and information to victims concerning South Carolina Crime Victims' Compensation; explain purpose, procedures, and policies, and assist in completion of forms
    • Intervene on behalf of victims with creditors, employers, etc...upon request
    • Help prepare victims for court and provide court advocacy and accompaniment
    • Provide information regarding current status of case
    • Provide information on rights, services and procedures if a victim or witness is harassed or threatened
    As law enforcement victim advocates, we strive to assist you, the victim, through the criminal justice system with the least amount of trauma in the hopes you will have the best opportunity to recover and survive.